Forum Structure:
An LCC moderator will ensure that Hoffman Hall is available & ready for the Forum and that all audio devices are in working order.
The moderator will call the meeting to order, lead the Pledge of Allegiance, explain the rules of order & turn the meeting over to the Organizer who is responsible for the content of the Forum.
At the end of the Forum discussion, the LCC moderator will close the meeting.
Any requests for further assistance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Beginning January 2025, Lillian Community Club (LCC) presents a Quarterly Community Forum featuring guest speaker(s) on a variety of topics of interest to Lillian (& the surrounding community) residents. This forum, when requested, will be scheduled once per quarter.
Request Time for Your Forum:
ANYONE (LCC membership not required) may request to use this forum to present topics they feel may be of interest to our community.
Requests must be submitted no later than the 10th of the month PRIOR to the scheduled meeting.
There are no fees or charges by the LCC for use of Hoffman Hall for this forum.
The LCC Board of Directors will determine which topics are awarded time based on the following criteria:
Topics of a partisan political nature, purely fundraising or of a private financial gain will not be considered for this forum.
Fill out the Request Form below or stop by the LCC Office during office hours to submit your request.